Pro tips
Spray at the right time
Never make treatment during hot weather.
- Do not treat between 10H and 18H. The best treatment is done at night after 20H or early morning is when the plant opens and breathes.
- Adjust the spray treatment.
- Insecticides and Fungicides should be sprayed in very small droplets.
- For contact products, also treat the undersides of leaves, stems and twigs. In contrast, for treatment of winter, it is advisable to run off the product so that it seeps under the bark where overwintering pests.
One Sprayer for one use
Small sprayers allow spot treatment to the simple plant. By having several avoids to mix, especially with weeding treatment products.
It is recommended to have two sprayers, one for insecticides and fungicides and another specifically dedicated to weeding. Before adding your product, it should add a little water in the spray tank and add after the recommended amount of product, stir the slurry to obtain a homogeneous mixture and topping up with quantity of water desired.
Sauf indication contraire sur l’emballage, il convient de verser un peu d’eau dans la cuve du pulvérisateur, d’y ajouter la quantité de produit préconisée, de remuer la bouillie afin d’obtenir un mélange homogène et de compléter le remplissage avec la quantité d’eau désirée.
Warning : Once mixed with water, the product must be used quickly. Do not store it in the sprayer for further processing, therefore take care not to prepare the amount of spray needed.

Green sticker for plant care
Red sticker for weeding
Grey sticker for DIY works (wood treatment, roof moss removal …)
Optimum treatment
- Not too wet to avoid waste and product streams down the plant
- Treat Locally
- Do not overdose
- The excess of product does not make the treatment more efficient. The permitted levels specified on the package of your product care are those whose effectiveness has been tested and proved and the least hazardous to the environment.
Consider the weather
Always observe the plants and parasites. For example, the mildew must be treated before the rain to prevent contamination have on-site.
Taking into account the strength of the disease
Make the preventive, but by observing the disease and its development. You have to know and tolerate the time stop.
Total Weeding in Autumn
Weed in autumn because the sap goes down in the plant. The treatment is more effective and you use less product.
Weed target = Security

Protect your plants around
For spot weeding, it is better using a weed control shield. Do not apply when it’s windy.
The shield allows you also to protect your plants around the target.
Golden Rule
Unused products must be delivered to a recycling specialist. Regarding the funds of the tank and the rinse water, they should be spread on a gravel driveway or directly on the earth. Never reuse old packaging, rinse thoroughly and make available services of refuse collection.
Well protected
In all cases, you should read carefully the instructions and precautions in order to adopt appropriate protective system (mask, gloves, goggles).